Thursday 30 April 2015

Amazing Thailand

I have been really silent this month in the world of Blogger. Well, I haven't really been busy or anything. In fact I have been relaxing and recovering.

I recently went to Thailand to meet my partner's relatives and for some kind of spiritual healing.
We went to Thabo a village in the northern region. I must say that the experience was really rejuvenating.

I spent days in a provincial home with fresh air, fresh food (literally made from vegetation in the backyard), fresh faces, and just a complete new atmosphere of happy people and new surroundings.

I believe that travelling is the ultimate vitamin for the soul and I really enjoyed this time away from home. I will never forget my experience giving alms and preparing food for the monks every morning, discovering a lost temple, befriending stray dogs, bathing in the Mekong River, surviving Song Kran (3-day waterfight) and spending time with a very good company of people ♡♡♡

Here are some pictures :
where we relax and eat our breakfast
We made a friend and we called him Brown Sugar
The Best

Suriya and I ready for water fight


Dipping in the Mekong. Thai people believe it is a  way of washing off all the bad luck/negativities for the new year

Just sitting

Thursday 2 April 2015

I'm in Tamarind Magazine

It is so funny how you come across your work in a magazine when you least expect it. Today I visited the lovely Tamarind Magazine and found out that the haiku I submitted last year was actually published in their issue #12.

I am so delighted to see my work in it as it is my first publication in Australia and it has also left me with a feeling of 'Hang on, that author is me!' and 'That's my poem!' It's such a sweet surprise!

 my haiku in response to rosellas painting (bottom left):

morning birdsong -
the promises
we never keep


Tia Maria my angel

Since I have been suffering from recurrent chest infection and have tried variety of modern treatment: drugs/healthy lifestyle/ strict diet and exercise, etc. I think I need  some kind of spiritual healing this time. One thing's for sure though, I will miss this cute little baby of mine, my angel, Tia Maria, for two weeks that I will be away!

Flying to the Philippines

I was quite anxious flying back to the Philippines for my AIDF programme. It was my first time flying alone and I'm not too keen on plan...